The ideas held by individuals and societies are of profound importance in shaping and governing their lives. The philosophical quest begins with such eternal questions as 'What is this creation?', 'What force has brought it into existence and sustains it?' and 'What is my relation to all this?' In the School these are dealt with as practical rather than academic questions and it is found that only by the experience of knowledge in practice does real understanding arise. Students meet in groups to discuss and work together to come to such understanding.

The School has drawn inspiration from many of the great teachings available to mankind and in particular from the Vedic tradition as propounded by Shri Shantananda Saraswati, the late Shankaracharya of northern India. This is the philosophy of non-duality which teaches the unity between the individual self and the universal consciousness. Such differences as seem to exist in creation are essentially illusory in nature. With the forces of reason and love, the underlying unity may be discovered and life may be led by individuals and societies in such a way that is liberating for all. To aid this process the practice of meditation is offered. This is a traditional system based on the use of a mantra and offers greater depth of experience of unity. The aim is the full realisation of the truth of one Self.

The Vedic teaching is reflected in many of the western teachings. The works of Plato, his Florentine follower, Marsilio Ficino, and many others are pursued and are found to have as much relevance and value today as when they originated.

There are seventy sister schools around the world - in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia and New Zealand - each one reflecting the society in which it was established. The first of these, the School of Economic Science, was founded in London in 1937, and continues to flourish today.





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